A THOUSAND YARD STARE ~ An Exhibition at Art Space Gallery : 12 February - 13 March 2010

A Thousand Yard

12 Feb. - 13 Mar. 2010

Simon Callery
Maria Chevska

Jeffrey Dennis

Jeff Gibbons

about the exhibition

Essay by Jo Melvin

click image to enlarge

"A bit of drawing" by JEFF GIBBONS "Touchy - feely" by JEFF GIBBONS "Paper Wall Spine" by SIMON CALLERY
"Mode d’emploi [passports]" by MARIA CHEVSKA "THE REVEREND FATHER" by JEFF GIBBONS "Returning Post" by JEFF GIBBONS
"The Neighbourhood Plan" by JEFFREY DENNIS "Chair (i)" by MARIA CHEVSKA "Chair (iii)" by MARIA CHEVSKA "WIND SOCK" by JEFF GIBBONS
"Other Conversations" by JEFFREY DENNIS "Not Valid for Travel" by JEFFREY DENNIS "Road Worker and Bird House" by JEFFREY DENNIS untitled collage by MARIA CHEVSKA
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