PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY : DOWN DEEP ~ Paintings and Drawings Exhibition at Art Space Gallery ~27 June - 26 July 2008


27 June - 26 July

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"Waters of dissolution" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY "Near Moorgate" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY "Moonwoman" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY
detail: "Down Deep" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY "Down Deep" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY "Turning and Returning" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY "Sleepwalkers" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY
"Resurrection - recycling" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY "Plant-life" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY "Everyday" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY detail: "Sleepwalkers" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY
"Resurrection" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY "Like the Moon and the Stars and the Sun" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY "Man being led into darkness by an Angel" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY "Antennae of the Nation" by PAUL GOPAL-CHOWDHURY

Habits of eating, sleeping and anxiety
20 Oct.- 18 Nov. 2006
A Time of Demons - Catalogue
8 October - 6 November 2004
Different Landscapes
12 Sep. - 11 Oct. 03
Garden of Earthly Delights
30 Nov. - 12 Jan. 03
Paintings of Heaven and Hell - Catalogue
17 May - 15 June 2002

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